Enjoy my 20-minute breathwork and guided hypnosis video to amplify your body's state and to step into a state of incredible joy.
Have you ever been to a sporting event and felt more confident about your team's chances of winning just because you were wearing your lucky shirt? That's an example of the placebo effect! The placebo effect occurs when your mind thinks a certain action will have a positive outcome, even if there is no scientific evidence to support it. This can lead to changes in your body and can even make you feel better.
2/9/2023 0 Comments Self-Hypnosis TechniqueSelf-hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help you overcome obstacles, improve your mental and physical well-being, and reach your goals. The process is simple, yet effective, and can be performed anywhere, at any time, with no special equipment or training required. Whether you are looking to reduce stress, boost your confidence, or quit smoking, self-hypnosis can help you achieve your desired outcome.
Overview of Self-Hypnosis Self-hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration in which the mind is highly receptive to suggestion. This trance-like state is similar to meditation, but instead of simply clearing the mind, you use the power of suggestion to make positive changes in your life
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that involves inducing a state of deep relaxation and concentration to access the subconscious mind. This form of therapy can help people overcome a wide range of issues, including anxious or depressed feelings, phobias, sleep issues, and more. In this article, we will discuss the many benefits of hypnotherapy and how it can improve one's mental and emotional wellbeing.
Stress Relief Technique
Reduce stress levels dramatically with my breath-work and guided hypnosis video. Runtime: 19min
Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dr. Nicole Lindsey of Back in Balance Chiropractic in Asheville, NC and we discussed the nature of overwhelm and anxiousness. We also talked about several easy tools you can use immediately to shift your emotional state and calm your nervous system.
Dr. Lindsey has a fantastic model in my opinion, in which her practice has both Chiropractors as well as a Physical Therapist. It's a perfect combination for a healthy body! You can watch the full video of the interview below: 1/25/2023 0 Comments 3 Things Hypnosis Can't DoHypnosis is a powerful tool that can be used to help people overcome a variety of issues, such as anxiety, phobias, and negative habits. However, despite its many benefits, hypnosis is not a magic wand that can solve all problems. In this blog post, we will explore three things you can't do with hypnosis.
#1: Hypnosis can't make you do something against your will One of the most common misconceptions about hypnosis is that it can be used to control people's minds and make them do things against their will. This is simply not true. During hypnosis, a person is in a state of heightened suggestibility, but they are still in control of their own actions. They can choose to accept or reject any suggestions that are made to them. In other words, hypnosis can't force you to do something you don't want to do. With the New Year upon us, many of us begin to reflect on the past year and set new resolutions for the upcoming one. Whether our goals are to lose weight, quit smoking, or reduce stress, we often find ourselves struggling to make lasting change.
One effective way to reach our goals and make lasting change is through the use of hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to help individuals access their subconscious mind and make positive changes. During hypnosis, the therapist will guide the individual into a state of deep relaxation and focus, allowing them to bypass the critical thinking part of their brain and access the subconscious. This can be used to help individuals overcome limiting beliefs, habits, and behaviors that may be preventing them from achieving their goals. 12/20/2022 0 Comments Shift Your Emotions QuicklyIn this video I walk you through a process called Core Transformation to help you shift from whatever negative emotional state you are currently in, to one of peace, happiness, joy, oneness or some other core state.
Enjoy the video! 11/14/2022 0 Comments Is Hypnosis Dangerous?What is hypnosis? Is hypnosis real? Is hypnosis dangerous? Many false ideas about hypnosis are passed around without a second thought. Unfortunately for those people sharing these wrong ideas they are missing out on the real power of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
Below are several myths and misconceptions about hypnosis followed by the real truth. 11/14/2022 2 Comments Is Hypnosis Real?What is hypnosis?Hypnosis may be defined as a natural, yet altered, state of mind where communication and responsiveness with the subconscious mind is present. (working definition from Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy)
Some of the characteristics of the hypnosis are:
It was my honor and pleasure to be a recent guest on the Illuminated Mind podcast with one of my teachers Matthew Brownstein, the founder and CEO of the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy. We had a wonderful conversation about my personal path, spirituality, hypnotherapy and the holy instant of healing that can occur in the process of hypnotherapy.
I hope you enjoy! Listen on Apple Podcast or watch on YouTube below (runtime 40min): Understanding, Acceptance, Love and ForgivenessThis is part 3 of my webinar series called, "Creating More Peace In Your Body and Mind". If you haven't watched part one titled, Bridges To Now you can do that here or part two titled, From Parts To Wholeness here.
In this webinar you'll learn:
Watch the video below: (runtime with guided meditation 47 min) From Parts To WholenessThis is part 2 of my webinar series called, "Creating More Peace In Your Body and Mind". If you haven't watch part one titled Bridges To Now, you can watch that here.
In this webinar you'll learn:
Watch the video below: Bridges To NowEnjoy part one of my series on Creating Peace In Your Body and Mind.
Here's what you'll learn:
Watch the video below... 9/27/2022 0 Comments Super Powered Immune SystemYou may not know this but you have a hidden superpower.
Like Professor X of the X-Men your mind is capable of incredible feats. This is no comic book story though, but a truly proven ability to influence your body chemistry. From increasing your body’s killer cells to directly increasing your levels of IgA you can make big changes in your body in an incredibly short period of time. And what does this ability mean for you? It means you have the ability to fight off infections, restore your gut health and possibly overcome disease conditions all with your deep inner mind. In the words of The Iceman Wim Hoff, who climbed Mount Everest in nothing but bare feet and shorts, “if you can learn how to use your mind, anything is possible." 8/17/2022 0 Comments Deep Inner Peace In The Now“Don't look for peace. Don't look for any other state than the one you are in now; otherwise, you will set up inner conflict and unconscious resistance. Forgive yourself for not being at peace. The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transmuted into peace. Anything you accept fully will get you there, will take you into peace. This is the miracle of surrender” - Eckhart Tolle Conflict is the antithesis of peace. You can never find peace if you are in conflict, whether that be within yourself or with others. As Eckhart Tolle so aptly implies, the searching for peace is at conflict with the state of peace. If you are searching then you are inherently not at peace. Accept what you feel now. Accept who you believe you are now. Accept this moment for what it is and you will find peace beneath it.
8/11/2022 0 Comments Breaking The Habit Of Being A PartA negative habit is often identified by its overt and seemingly dysfunctional nature. And beyond those obvious negative habits such as watching too much television, overeating or leaving the toilet seat up (not me, those other guys), we also have many habitual behaviors that have been there with us for quite some time. Ways of behaving that while clearly not dysfunctional may still be reflections of opportunities for growth and expansion. In reality these are all just strategies for meeting a need (except the toilet thing, that's just inconsiderate). Of course, if your strategy is working for you and not hurting you or anyone else then that's great. However if your habit is something that you feel is working against what you really want then there is an effective path to changing that habit or behavior and feeling more aligned within yourself.
In any relationship there are things that aren’t said, things that we hold back. There are emotions towards that other person that are somewhat undefined, subtle feelings of frustration, irritation, and of disappointment. This is part of being a social human, designed to co-exist with others in the experience of life. We get hurt, we become fearful, we feel angry but underneath it all there is a longing for oneness, a longing for belonging and connection.
When a relationship ends, whether due to someones passing or an ending of a relationship, those unsaid things, those inexplicable subtle emotions, are left standing alone waiting to be resolved into that oneness. And while it may feel like you are the one standing alone waiting to be connected again, in truth you are much more than that. It is possible to find that oneness, that wholeness and sense of belonging after a relationship has ended. You can in fact do it within your own mind because in reality that is where everyone in your life exists, in your mind. Perhaps surprisingly, this inner version of that person wasn’t truly who they were, it was how you saw them. The good and the seemingly bad are all your perception. This is the light at the end of the tunnel because it means that if they exist in your mind, you can change the relationship, resolve the unresolved and you can feel better about it and about yourself. Through Your EyesWe like to think that we have all grown up and are out there fully in our adult self doing our thing. You've got a house, a job, maybe a relationship and you think, "this must be what being an adult is." If we step back though and start to bring that awareness to our behaviors, thoughts and emotions we might just see hints of our childhood or our parents. The one looking through your eyes over at that special someone, might just be a child version of yourself begging for approval or an inner parent ready to say "no, don't do that!"
This is in fact the way most everyone operates as most of us are not coming from our full adult self, especially in our interpersonal relationships. This is because as a child you had to develop tools to survive and to gain the love and attention that you needed from your parents, siblings and friends. The first 7 years of your life are filled with socio-emotional interactions and your brain is not capable of seeing any of it as anything other than the absolute truth. As a result you accumulate deeply embedded patterns from your traumas and dramas both big and small that are going to stay there as part of your operating system until they are acknowledged and brought back into wholeness. Some people call it stress, some call it anxiety, worry or overwhelm but no matter what you choose to call this feeling, sometimes it can just be too much to handle. And worse it can feel like it will take too much effort to get to a different feeling. It doesn't have to be this way, in fact you can get out of that feeling in less than 5 minutes most of the time. Following are 5 of the best techniques to shift you out of that stressed state and into one that feels much better.
The False Self![]() As we develop into adults and set out on our path it's not uncommon to suddenly find ourselves somewhere that we don't want to be. We thought we knew what we wanted and needed but in the blink of an eye there we are down a fast moving river with no sign of an exit or a rescue and paddling for dear life. And while it may feel this way and feel very real in our bodies and thoughts, the reason that we are there is an issue of perception. We have perceived ourselves as less than we are and not in an "awe c'mon you're really good at lots of things" kind of way but seeing ourselves as less than our true powerful spiritual and whole nature. "All healing is essentially the release from fear."
When we experience anger it is because we have reached a degree of perceived separation that is so 'real' that we feel utterly alone. In that state of apparent aloneness we are left with what seems to be no choice but to lash out, blame others and defend our existence.
But you are never alone and you are never separate and the path to deep peace is easily within reach if you allow it.
The implication of this quote above from the great Roman stoic and Emperor Marcus Aurelius is that we look outside of ourselves to know ourselves. It is my opinion then that in doing so we diminish ourselves and in fact contrary to the former part of the quote, we love ourselves less. Not less than we love others but less than the complete state of love that we should have for ourselves. It is this lack of self love that stifles our confidence and puts us on unstable ground in whatever we may endeavor.
When you can step into self-forgiveness and self-compassion you can experience self-love. And from that self love you can do, be and have anything you want. That is true self-confidence. Your mind is an incredibly powerful tool and when you can learn to harness it to influence your body, emotions and life, truly amazing things can occur.
Is it any wonder then that research is showing that the more we understand pain, the less we hurt? When we have better conscious understanding of the mechanisms of pain then the pain will often diminish. However, when pain is a mystery, the mind and emotions perpetuate and exacerbate the pain sensation. In David Butler's book, Explain Pain, he points out that even after the physiological cause of pain is resolved our body's production of stress chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline will cause the pain sensors to trigger. In other words, even if there is no cause for physical alarm in the body, when your body senses a threat it replays the sense of pain that it had been so accustomed to signaling. So our conscious and subconscious mind have a large role to play when it comes to pain. Chronic pain in many cases may be chronic because the mind-body association with the pain has not been resolved. A pain that you felt a decade ago can suddenly rear its ugly head again when you are under stressful times. |
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February 2023
CategoriesAll Anger Management Breathwork Deep Peace Habits Holographic Memory Resolution Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Hypnotic Regression Neurolinguistic Programming NLP Parts Work Relationships Self-hypnosis Sleep Stress Management Trauma Weight Loss |
Disclaimer: Hypnosis is a partnership between the client and the facilitator to create change in both the conscious and subconscious mind. I am a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, not a Licensed Medical Doctor or Mental Health Professional. As such, hypnotherapy services performed are non-therapeutic and not intended to take the place of professional counseling, medical, or psychological care and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis or treatment of any condition. I do not work on pain or diagnosed mental or physical conditions without the referral from a licensed practitioner of the healing arts per North Carolina State Statutes. If you are under the care of a medical professional for any condition for which you are seeking hypnosis support, please obtain a signed, written referral from your provider prior to engaging me and moving forward with related sessions.